Monday, November 29, 2010

Drills and Their Benefits

1) Shooting Drill:  Have players shoot ten free throws.  Give ten seconds to shoot each free throw.  The players must make take ten shots and record shots made and missed.  If the players do not reach the goal of 80 free throws made as a unit they must run laps. The players must ran laps for how many free throws they did not make missing the mark of 80.  (E.g. Ten players shooting ten shots each, they must make at least 80 free throws as a unit: if they make 65, they must run 15 laps).

2)  Lateral or side Lunges:  The lateral or side lunge targets the the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, the quadriceps, and the adductor muscles.  All these muscles allow the explosion effect when going for a rebound.  After the players miss the must follow through and enter the recovery phase as shown below.  Working on these lunges benefits the free throw shooter and allows them to be elusive and try to get around the defender to have a chance at getting the ball.

Middle                                                   Ending

3)  Wrist Curls:  Wrist curls work on the finger flexors of the forearms and aid in wrist strength.  Wrist strength is key in shooting a basketball because the motion should end in just movement of the wrist.  The arms and shoulders should only act as synergist helpers with the action and should not facilitate the motion.  Seen in the follow through, the wrist is in full flexion at the ending of the release of the ball.

                                     Beginning                                               Ending

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